
What I Want To Know Is .....

With a tip of the hat and many thanks to Max Headroom and Edison Carter for a great lead-in line.

Wednesday, April 28, 2004


What I want to know is, "Why should Dick Cheney's Vice Presidential meetings with former oil cohorts, who have long been known to have designs upon Afghanistan and Iraq for reasons that would promote their own petroleum power at the expense of others, be kept secret while the former United States President's sexual pecadillos were broadcast around the world in all of their smokin' detail?" Seems to me that there's a distortion in our concepts of privacy going on here. Earlier today I sent the following email to MSNBC.

"Just heard Pat Buchanan on MSNBC say that the President of the United States has the right to speak privately with whomever he chooses. Does he also agree that the President of the United States has the right to privately communicate sexually with whomever he chooses? If not, why not? If so, does he feel that the overwhelming voyeuristic emphasis placed upon the previous President's private sexual activities might have had a detrimental effect upon that President's ability to effectively execute the requirements of the Executive Office? And finally, is Pat concerned about the enormous amount of hypocracy rampant throughout the political and journalistic institutions of this country? Could it be that Carl Bernstein was recently righton perceptive in his claim that this country is suffering from an epidemic of a culture of idiocy?

"The tone of my questions obviously indicate my personal views upon these topics. Shame on you all. The United States of America is a great idea that is being sacrificed upon the alter of hypocracy. Shame on you all for reporting upon that sacrifice as though it has any legitimacy whatsoever. "

posted by Charles DeTurk  # 12:41 PM


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