
What I Want To Know Is .....

With a tip of the hat and many thanks to Max Headroom and Edison Carter for a great lead-in line.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008


What I want to know is, When all of these people talk about not leaving Iraq until we have achieved victory, just what the hell do they mean? Just what is victory. We got into the Iraq war without adequate front end knowledge of what we were getting into and why. Once in, we discovered that we didn't have an exit strategy, at least not one beyond a Saturday afternoon black and white cowboy movie strategy. And now we're 5 years into this thing and we're told that we can't get out until victory is ours. Victory? There is no victory in war. Don't you know your history? Where war is concerned, victory is only temporary. It's an illusion clouded by the fog of war.

Is victory determined by body count, by some sort of legal document, by some measure of reconstruction, or what? Is it an agreement by all sides concerned to cease hostilities? Well, that's impossible. How can one get the other side to agree to anything when one refuses to even speak with the other side. How does anyone think they can get the other side to agree to concessions that are in opposition to their cultural beliefs? Is victory determined by beating the other side into submission? Hey, that will work just swell. It will have about the same end as if someone tried to beat the United States into submission.

Why did Bin Laden attack us anyway. Don't say that it's because he hates our freedom. If you believe that, then you haven't been listening. Of course if you believe that, then you're probably one of the ostrichs that still believe that there were ties between Al Quaida and Saddam Hussein.

I have heard not one word explaining what victory means. Look, if you can't spell it out, if you can't explain what you mean, then would you please be quiet? Otherwise, tell me. Victory? What is victory? And what is the price? And is it worth it?

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posted by Charles DeTurk  # 7:59 AM


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